Thursday, February 16, 2012


 I totally love it! I started about a month ago and now I can say I adore it! We have around 15 spinning bikes in the class. Too much swet, too much effort and in the beat songs unstoppable for an hour. But it is worth it. You can be fit, healthy and can lose weight with spinning! Also, you feel you are in a team, as you co-exercise with other people and do the same things. Just try it out!

Monday, January 30, 2012


As long as I remember myself I hated running and jogging and whatever had to do with it. I only liked walking. But last month something changed. I just went for a walk and suddenly I found myself running. It was very nice experience! The longest I've done so far, is 5 km, running and quick walking mixed. I have also downloaded the Nike+GPS app from the app store which is very clever and a really valuable tool for every runner! I'm really excited with this app! If you don't have it, get it. It's really cool! And I have to say that running outdoors is much more exciting than running indoors. Definitely more exciting!